Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I visited France earlier this year.It has definately been my best vacation till date.Whats so nice about France??Definatley Paris!!!!!
Its the most beautiful and romantic city I have ever visited.Here are some pictures of places that i liked.

Eiffel tower
It is the tallest structure in Paris and one of the greatest landmarks in the world!
It is situated right beside river Sienne(read as sen)
which is my favourite hangout:-)

Arc de Triumph
There is some amazingly beautiful architecture under the arc de triumph!

River Sienne
For me , The most beautiful view in the world:)

The Louvre
I read a little about the louvre meuseum in the book Da Vinci Code.Hence i was dying to see it when we were in Paris.We spent about 5 hours there and we just managed to cover the art gallery and 1 other:)
It is huge and it will take atleast 7 days to cover the enitre meuseum!!!
“After you”
“Can I help you??”
“I beg your pardon”
These are phrases we hear often, but seldom in Mumbai .Is this really true??A recent survey performed by Readers Digest revealed that Mumbai is the rudest city in the world!
Having lived here for over 21 years, rude would be the last way I would describe it. Mumbai is a melting pot for various cultures. People from all over the country and around the world reside in this city. Most of these people call it home. Mumbai is known to have a very fast life .Hence most people here would agree with me when I say “There is so much to do and so little time”. A number of times this trait is mistook for arrogance or rudeness. However when it matters people come through. Take for instance the 26/7 deluge. The day when Mumbai experienced the fatal rainfall!Along the flooded roads where heavy current water was flowing, people made human chains in order to help others cross the road safely. Residents of various areas distributed food to people who were stuck through the night and could’nt go further until the rains stopped. A lot of people joined organizations like Touch etc to help families that were badly affected by this deluge. Does’nt this signify politeness??
I don’t think it right to label Mumbai as a rude city because of one incident. One has to live here and experience the life for a long enough period in order to soak in the essence of Mumbai.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I accompanied my mum n dad to a temple yesterday.We sat in there for a while until the pooja was done.During the pooja two ladies clad in torn sarees came in along with two young girls and two baby boys.The babies were also dressed in dirty old clothes.Their appearance suggesting they struggled to afford even everday meals.The reaction that they drew from the rest of the so called "devotees"(mostly sixty odd year old ladies), was quite astonishing.I heard one lady yell and ask "What do u want? You'll are not suposed to come in.Stand at the door".What kind of behaviour is this?Why the preferential treatment?
On my way out one of the small baby boys was following me,smiling at me.He was adorable.So i patted his head and smiled back at him.That ofcourse did'nt go down too well with anybody there.All those ladies were giving me that dirty look.I could read their minds."Oh you should'nt be touching them.They are dirty and blah blah blah".
This incident got me wondering why this attitude towards them?Are'nt they as much human as we are?Is'nt the temple meant to be for everyone to come offer their prayers?Who are we to do decide these things?